Helping Your Child’s Anxiety: EFT For Emotional Coaching
Do you have a little one who often feels worried or anxious? Being a parent can be tough when you see your child struggling with big emotions. So, today we want to introduce you to a tool called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping, that might help. You might be wondering, “Does EFT really work?” The answer is a big, fat YES! It’s like emotional coaching for parents, and it’s super easy to learn.
What is EFT?
EFT is a way to help your child feel better by tapping on certain points of their body, like their head and hands. It’s a bit like giving yourself a gentle massage. While tapping, you also talk about the things that are disturbing or troubling you out loud.
Does EFT Really Work?
Yes! EFT really works for many kids and adults. When your child feels scared or worried, tapping can help them feel calmer. It’s like magic! Many parents and children find that EFT helps reduce anxiety, making everyone feel happier.
How Does It Work?
By tapping on these acupressure points while talking about the troubling issues, EFT helps to calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and change the body’s response to negative emotions. This can make it easier to manage anxiety and feel more at ease.
How Does EFT Help?
EFT helps in many ways, such as reducing anxiety, improving emotional regulation, and boosting overall well-being. It’s also easy to learn – you don’t need any special training to start using EFT. Just a few minutes of practice can make a big difference. And it builds confidence. As your child learns to tap, they’ll feel more in control of their emotions, which can make them feel braver and happier.
How to Do EFT with Your Child
Here’s a simple breakdown of how to perform a round of EFT with your child:
- Identify the Issue: Start by identifying what is troubling your child. It could be a specific worry, fear, or negative emotion.
- Rate the Intensity: On a scale from 0 to 10, rate the intensity of the emotion. 10 being the highest intensity and 0 being the least. This helps track progress.
- Set Up Statement: Create a setup statement that acknowledges the issue while helping your child accept themselves as they are. For example, “Even though I feel anxious, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
- Tapping Points: Tap on specific points on the body while repeating the setup statement or focusing on the emotion/concern. The main tapping points are:
- Top of the head
- Eyebrow
- Side of the eye
- Under the eye
- Under the nose
- Chin
- Collarbone
- Under the arm
- Reassess the Intensity: After a round of tapping, rate the intensity of the emotion/concern again. Repeat the process until the intensity decreases to a comfortable level.
- Positive Affirmations: Integrate positive affirmations as you progress at tapping to reinforce feelings of calm and safety.
Why Parents Love EFT
Parents love EFT because it’s simple and can be done anywhere, anytime. It’s like having a little emotional first-aid kit in your pocket! And the best part…it helps your child feel better without needing any special equipment or medicine.
Emotional Coaching for Parents: Does EFT Really Work?
Emotional coaching for parents means using tools like EFT to guide your child through their feelings. It teaches them how to handle big emotions in a healthy way. By practicing EFT together, you’re not only helping your child now but also teaching them skills they can use forever.
You’ve Got This!
As a parent, it’s natural to want to find the best ways to help your child overcome anxiety. Sometimes, trying new approaches can be the key to unlocking a path to healing. Embracing tools like EFT is not just about finding a quick fix—it’s about opening doors to new possibilities and showing your child that you are always there to support them. By exploring different techniques and remaining open to new strategies, you’re not only helping your child feel better today but also teaching them valuable skills for a brighter, more confident tomorrow. Take this step with hope and courage, knowing that every effort you make brings you closer to a more peaceful and happy life for your family.
And Finally…
We’ve created a “Tapping For Kids” video, which walks you through a simple tapping session to answer the question: does EFT really work? Tapping is an essential part of our M.Y.T.E toolkit, designed to help children manage their emotions and overcome negativity, anxiety, and self-doubt. If you’re interested in discovering more about how our M.Y.T.E programme can support your child, just click here. We hope this resource helps you and your family, and remember, we’re always here to support you on your journey. Thanks for reading, and take care 🙂