

Does EFT Really Work?

Helping Your Child’s Anxiety: EFT For Emotional Coaching Do you have a little one who often feels worried or anxious? Being a parent can be tough when you see your child struggling with big emotions. So, today we want to introduce you to a tool called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as tapping, that […]

Manage Anxiety in the Classroom via Nervous System Regulation

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds and lives of our children. One important aspect of their job is to help classroom manage their emotions, particularly anxiety in the classroom. By understanding the nervous system and how to maintain its balance, teachers can significantly impact their students’ early childhood mental health and educational […]

Mental Health in Early Childhood: Insights from Daniel Siegel

mental health in early childhood

Mental health in early childhood is vital for a child’s overall development, and by understanding and supporting it, we can help lay the foundation for healthy, balanced, and emotionally intelligent adults. You see, us parents really do have the power to create a bright future for all! “Parenting from the Inside Out,” a book written […]

Anxiety Relief for Mums

anxiety relief for mums

Now, let’s be honest… anxiety relief for mums is crucial because being a mum is one of the most rewarding yet demanding roles out there. Every day, you’re juggling a million things, from school runs and meal preps to work and household chores. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities and […]

Navigating OCD in Children: A Parent’s Guide

ocd in children

Parenting is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, yet supporting OCD in children, (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), presents unique challenges. Your love and support as a parent are vital in helping your child navigate this complex condition. This blog post aims to offer insights, encouragement, and practical tips to empower you on your journey. Understanding […]

Art of Parenting: Turning Anxiety into Confidence

anxiety into confidence

Parenting is a wonderful journey full of joys and challenges, however, turning anxiety into confidence can be a hugely difficult task, regardless of age. I have three children. All girls. All very different in personality. And each of them has gone through times when they struggled with confidence and anxiety has affected them. It’s hard […]